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5 Best Spots at USC

(That I've found so far)

A lot of people study in Leavey. And then they complain about studying in Leavey. Personally, I have no idea why (about the former, not the latter). USC is gorgeous. It is literally the setting that movies use for "pretty college campus" (cough, How To Get Away With Murder, cough). I guess if you want to "focus" then by all means, take to the library, but with a bit of exploration, campus really holds some incredible views.

SGM Rooftop

“I'm surprised they still let us up here.” - me, every single time

I love this view. I take everyone here. I'm from Oklahoma, and I hope that I never take views like this for granted. It's the LA SKYLINE.

In this photo, I'm halfway up the steps. And this is my favorite part, actually, because it's when the sky and the buildings just come into view, and it takes my breath away every time.

I've never actually studied up here (hot!) but I do think it's a must-go place. And most people come up at night, but the sunset is incredible.

Sunrise is definitely on the bucket list.

Mudd Hall Courtyard

This place is criminally underrated. I never see more than 10 people here at a time (unless they're having a photoshoot) which is ridiculous, because it is beautiful.

There are chairs in the courtyard area by the fountain, but I like to study leaned by the columns - it feels nice to have that shade, tucked away by flower-dotted branches.

C&G Juice Co./Roski

“Where The F*ck Is C&G Juice Co"

I know I shouldn't complain about being in the village. BUT. Its one critical downside is that it is very, very far (as in, 12 minute walk) from some of the prettiest places on campus. I grouped these places together because C&G Juice Co. is in the Roski courtyard. But they are separate things:

The Roski courtyard is very pretty, well-shaded, and never very crowded. There's student-made art in the architecture school and in Roski, and it is beautiful. To be perfectly honest, the buildings are extremely confusing. I once spent 15 minutes trying to figure out how to get to the library of the architecture school. I still don't know how. I honestly could not say with 100% certainty which school is Roski and which school is architecture.

That brings me to my second point: I spent a full 40 minutes looking for C&G Juice Co. I saw @experience_usc post about it once and I put it on my campus bucket list. I tried to put it into Google Maps, but it wasn't on there. I was desperate. I looked up the address from the USC hospitality website. It said 850 Bloom Walk. I said "OK". I went to 850 Bloom Walk. I saw the architecture school. I walked. For 40 minutes. Circling around, trying to figure out where an entire restaurant could be hidden in this labyrinth of a building. I asked 2 different students. They both led me to the wrong place.

I write this story because in spite of that. I still recommend it. Now that I've suffered through this, I can report that it is in the Roski courtyard. If you walk under the Architecture bridge (pictured) and turn to the left, you can't miss it (jk...unless?). There is no sign except the one right above it.

Sunlife has $12 acai bowls. C&G has $8 ones. And every day I pray they don't go out of business because no one can find their damn location. Please do not let this happen. I cannot continue supporting Sunlife. Get their Trojan bowl.

Exposition Rose Garden

This one isn't technically on campus, but it's right across the street.

Though was closed when I went (because the roses aren't in bloom in January) it's still stunning. There's something soothing about being lost in the grandness of nature, especially if nature takes the form of towering rose bushes and swaying petals.

The Rose Garden also has pavilions, which are a good place to sit, relax, and just take in the world.


Get a group of friends who have hammocks (or one friend with a really large hammock) and literally just vibe.

The trees on the hill in McCarthy Quad are a good distance for stringing hammocks up on, and it's extremely relaxing.

On Fridays, a lot more people are hammocking (perfect way to start the weekend) but #time is a construct so there's no reason to wait until then.


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